Sunday, March 22, 2015

I'm back!!!

It's been a while since I've posted on here. About 2 years and a few months which is quite a long time. I'm back now because I feel that I can better utilise a blog now than posting a censored post on FB or Twitter. 

It also took me a week to figure out what my password was to this page but here I am after struggling with memory lapse finally got through. 

Well here is my attempt to share some bits of my daily life as a diary entry rather than holding it all in... I attempted to keep a physical diary but my last post was at February 16th. I don't think I can keep up with completing such each day so here is hoping my documentation online won't be as much of a failure. And just from writing that I'm getting tired already and even rethinking why am I even bothering. But well it's filling in the void of having to constantly be online and updating what I'm up to so people can see I'm actually getting out there instead of being lazy at home.