Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fanfic Reviews

Shadows of the Future


The fanfic based on Star Wars Sagas, the story took place in the event of the Return of the Siths episode then back to The Phantom Menace. Obi-Wan lost the duel on Mustafar, but instead of dying, he finds himself on a ship leaving Tatooine, with his old Master Qui-Gon Jinn and a familiar young boy who is Anakin Skywalker 10 years younger. As events begin to unfold, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon try to change the terrible future uphold, with little help from Master Yoda and Master Mace Windu. The entire fate of the galaxy now rest in the shoulders of the two brave and determined Jedi.


The story is extremely creative because it tried to bend the real story into a different way. Try to change the course of the real story. And the sources that the author used in the story is very well craft based on the story. The author got a really well understanding and through out of the sagas.



The fiction is about the desire of Joker to get close to Dr.Quinzel. As he is struggling twisted by his broken mind to figure it out what he is feeling inside. Is it love or is it something else?

The author has an exceptionally good writing, use very much complex words and wide range of word choices. And the story is interesting and twisted as very well based on The Joker personality. The fiction tells us another side of The Joker, the side which even him have not seen it. And at last, the story really sucks you in.


Have We Met Before?

This fiction tells us the different side of the story in the Pirate of the Caribbean, the story makes an assumption that if Elizabeth lost her memories and does not remember anything about Will or anything happened between them. Jack Sparrow with the desire to have her want to win her heart once again, but he is struggling with his own consciousness to do the right thing, which is tell her everything and help her regain her memories.

The author has a very good writing as he/she know a well amount of pirate words in conversations. He/she know how to lead the reader up and made a good finishing when tie all the loose end, although the story is a little predictable.


This fiction led us to another side creative style of the Kingdom Heart series main story. The fiction is about Xaldin, Vexen and Lexaeus, which is never been before told us in the main story. Therefore, the story is about the humorous adventure of Xaldin, Vexen and Lexaeus set out to save the rest of the Organization XIII. The Organization was attacked by a group of parasites from beyond the dimensions of their universe, transforming most of the members into horrendous creatures, who then kidnapped Roxas.

The fanfiction was full of humor, creative, compelling story telling. As the author has produce a good amount new kind of stuffs to add on the Kingdom Heart series such as the Gutless, Disney characters and new imaginative world. A well-crafted fanfiction.


This fanfic tells us another story after the events of the Avengers movie. This fanfic brings us story about Tony Stark and Captain America on their quest to find the missing weapons from S.H.I.E.L.D which led to their found about Loki has not been sent to Asgard and still remained here on Earth, although the reason has not been cleared yet.

A little complex fanfic, good writing and his ways of separate the paragraph was well-noted, which make us easier to follow the story without lost between the middle of each chapter. Generally, a so-so fanfic I have read so far.


  1. i'm quite like joker story, it's really interesting me to found out the joke is really love Dr.Quinzel?

    1. He's not really love Dr.Quinzel, I think it was his desire of curiosity that draw him toward Dr.Quinzel, because she has treat him like no one has ever treat him before. She shed her tears for him while no one has ever shed their tears for him.
