Saturday, August 11, 2012

Alberts 5 FanFiction Links

7th Heaven.

This piece is based on the film 7th Heaven, a film which is about the Camden Family whom resides in Glen Oak, California. This piece expresses the reactions of Annie and Eric’s children when news arrived to them all individually about Eric’s Car accident. With hope, Ruthie, the youngest daughter of the Protestant Ministers, contacts all her siblings to inform them of their father’s situation, and strategizes with them a plan of action in getting everyone to the hospital in the quickest manner.

As a fan of the 7th Heaven series, I found this fan-fiction quite believable. Ruthie was the snappy child of the ministers and always seems to know news and pass them on before anyone else does. It’s saddening that Eric towards the end of the script has a result not many viewers or readers would be looking forward too, but it offers the viewers a surprising but believable response towards his death, because of his past medical condition. The Author of this fan-fiction composed this piece in a well detailed manner, having the characters playing their ‘original’ part as the film does. It is well written, and structured to an extent where having the readers wait anxiously for the next part to its conclusion.

7th Heaven
This piece was based on the effects of Aaron, the new born baby boy of Martin, and how it had an effect on his and Ruthies relationship. Aaron was concieved by another girl, Ruthie was in deep pain and only wanted out, and by doing so, she left without listening to the poetic speech Martin had prepared for her. Both Ruthie and Martin were bearing pain, one whom lost trust in her partner, and the other seeing his true love leave him because of his mistakes.

The Author composed this fac-fiction really well. The Poetic speech of Martin had the readers eyes glued on the purpose of its composition along with the story background it had. I quite enjoyed how the author repeated 'these five words I say to you' following with its statement because it made the whole piece effective and imaginative. It had readers as such myself really feeling the impactive pain Martin is feeling as he is saying it, and also at the same time, feeling also Ruthies pain bacause of the way it was composed, and the deeper meaning from Martins heart. It was well written, it was composed to an extent where many whom enjoy tragic love stories with poetry in it would definitely enjoy.

7th Heaven
This fanfiction was based on Ruthie and Martin and how they try their very best to please their children but in a manner where it is also of good parenting as well. They both talk to their children and see what problems lie within their minds and express how they feel about it and what steps they ought to consdier since they have been through them stages. However Martin fears though that his children might repeat the same mistake himself and Ruthie made and consulted Ruthie about it, but being the mother of the family she expressed in a well respected manner the you learn from your mistakes principle and apply it to themselves first.

This piece was constructed very thoughtfully. It does have a few well known minor grammer problems mistaking 'he' with 'her' and 'them' with 'they' but they are errors that are visibly understandable. The fanfiction itself was quite boring to read, it didnt offer any eye catching plots or events that would want the reader to anxiously wait for a new release by the author. What seems to have confused me was how Ruthie, whom within the movie was the chatty, funny speaker automatically changed to become a well mannered and behaverd mother, it possibly could be an effect that the author wanted to express, but I found it not really impactive.

Good Luck Charlie
A well expressed piece about Gabe, the youngest son in the Duncan family and how he expresses his jealous self about a girl whom he has a crush on but like any ordinary young boy, tucks it away. When he begun to notice her with another girl, it caused him to become really angry, and hurting himself with a brocken glassed was the results. Although he doesnt express his feelings, his mother notices the odd actions and behaivour of her son and has a mother and son talk with him which became successful and had Gabe express his true feelings towards Jo, his young crush.

This piece was written in a manner where it was easy to read and understand which character is stating what in the story and his or her actions while talking. However, the setting with the story itself doesnt really match with the story. At the introduction of the story Gabe was made out to be a Grade 2 student, and in anyones mind he was still a young kid expecially if his dad had to 'hold his had' and his mother 'hugging him' like a little child. As Gabe leaves home and goes to school, the plot story then changes about him not accepting the fact that he has a crush on Jo. As the story continues with him breaking a glass and ending up hurting himself to when he gets jealous again and hurt himself for the second time, it differs from the beginning of the story having the readers think whether Gabe was still this second grade young boy or a teen knowing what crush is and how to hurt himself. The grammer in this Fan-Fiction was not to great as well, leaving the reader struggling to figure out which word the author is trying to use. On a possitive note though, the author chose well on how to compose the mother in the story, having her being the supportive figure she always was of the Duncan Family.

Shake it up
This fanfiction is based on Rockys secret thoughts and feelings towards her sister like best friend Cece. Rocky thought over and over again about how much she knows about her friend, how much trust she has in her and then began to realise that she knew Cece better than anyone else. Rocky started to believe that her feelings towards her friend then became unusual, the only way she ever felt like this was towards boys she secretly admired. As soon as she then realised about how much she truly knew her friend, it came to sense that for the sake of their friendly, sisterly relationship, it would be best that what ever she thought and felt about Cece stays in her head and nowhere else.

I dislike the way this piece was written. Although it is well gramatically composed, the author based his or her fanfiction on thoughts. No scenes or plots were mentioned, no verbal conversations were made between anyone which makes the fanfiction altogether boring. I wouldnt recommend this fanfiction to anyone but however would use it as an example to not repeat in a fanfiction if I was to write one.

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