Wednesday, August 15, 2012 

‘Ripping the Ripper’, A Dr Strangelove fanfiction

Set inside the cold war comedy ‘Dr Strangelove’, the sole character is General Jack Ripper.
This small chapter delves into Ripper’s thoughts about the cold war in the form of his paranoid fear that the Soviets have fluoridated the drinking water to poison American people.
This is very typical of cold war conspiracy theories of the time that the Soviets were behind all sorts of policies and occurrences. This is especially true of the thinking of cold war hardliners.
The fluoridated water incenses Ripper as he is considering launching nuclear armed B 52 bombers to attack the Soviet Union.
Since he refuses to drink water, he opens a bottle of whisky and starts getting drunk while theorising that to understand the Soviets one needs to get drunk as they do.
The story seems like a beginner fanfiction but comes across well and works in its simplicity.
It has a more serious feeling than the film but retains some humour if its’ unhinged portrayal of Ripper.

‘Madness’, a Lawrence of Arabia fanfiction

This story takes place after Lawrence was captured and tortured by the Turks. The piece happens within the confines of the story itself. Madness reads into the thoughts of one of Lawrence’s unnamed Arab comrades. This is an almost purely reflective approach to fanfiction.
It opens dramatically and in the windswept mystical way of the movie itself. Madness relies on the internal monologue of the character, being directly from the mind of the unnamed Arab comrade in arms. This story is much like the movie except it develops further the conflicts of some of his closest Arab comrades have about him in the form of the character’s monologue.
The story uses quotes from the Qur’an to provide the chapter with meaning having the lesser effect of drawing an orientalist picture of the atmosphere in the cave where it set, at least for westerners.
As far as keeping to the agenda of the film, it does a good job. The language is not particularly flowery or dramatic but the ideas are developed extremely well.

‘The Conflict’, an Atonement fanfiction

The Conflict is based on the projected marriage of Robbie (the main character of the film Atonement) to his love interest, Celia.
This is simply a small scene from their domestic life illustrating the innocent conflict they both have over diets, children’s names and cigarette smoking.
Robbie is shown as a character growing accustomed to domestic life and its ordinariness and this is contrasted with a brief recollection to WWII in France waiting on the beach to return to England. Thinking he may die from his septicaemia-infected wound, he pines for Celia and promises himself that he will return home.
Celia is shown as a rather traditional wife who cooks and buys groceries. She is portrayed as feminine as well as in the habit of telling her husband off for smoking and eating unhealthily. Possessing a sense of humour, Celia responds to her husband’s wish to name their child Humphrey Bogart because of a fondness for the actor with; "I also love raspberry cheesecake, but you don't see me insisting to name our child Raspberry or Cheese or Cake."
Overall this fanfiction works well at setting a domestic scene.

‘The House on Harbour Road’ a Slumdog Millionaire fanfiction

The House on Harbour Road involves two characters from the film, Jamal and Latika, in an intimate setting.
The passage is well written, showing the characters acting as one would imagine them. The author mentions the difficulty of using Jamal and Latika in fanfiction.
They are very intense characters in the film and are struggling all the time in a life or death scenario, it’s hard to imagine them lying around smoking cigarettes and discussing soap operas for example.
So in this way Jamal and Latika are passionate in this passage. Jamal is leading Latika blindfolded to their new house and on the way there the reader can see the dynamics of their relationship. It shows us their relationship is youthful, affectionate and slightly insecure about the outside world.
The House on Harbour Road continues what could be an annoying fanfiction cliché of flashbacks to the stories the characters originate from.
Overall this piece is rather average in terms of interesting the reader with themes, larger ideas, and interesting dialogue but it is written correctly as a story.

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