Thursday, August 9, 2012

This piece of fanfiction follows the story of a character from the 2010 television series, 'this is England 86'. Set in a northern English town, 'Growing Sideways' opens with the main character Harvey making his way to the Hospital to visit his newborn baby sister. 

Growing Sideways' appeal is it's focus on the two main characters, Chester (Harvey's younger sister) and Harvey himself making their way in the world in the wake of their Mother's desertion from their family unit and it's portrayal of life and people in their Northern English working class town .

The author makes a convincing portrait of this environment complete with endless cups of tea, cigarettes and English breakfast. The idiomatic language also helps. 

The story has a slightly reflective style and depends a great deal on dialogue. This gives it a chance to express communication and emotional interaction between the characters.

Harvey, having left school, is now unemployed and spends his time hanging out at home. Quickly skipping over Chester's early childhood, we find her at age 12 and at school. Harvey is protective towards Chester and takes the initiative to spirit them both out of home after their Mother leaves, fearing their Father taking his anger out on the two kids.

The fanfiction however is successful in it's evocation of Northern English working class life as one gets a vivid impression of it. 

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