Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fan Fic - Christine



(Based it around the movie The Note Book.)

It’s already been one month since Ally was admitted into hospital.

Ally's memories 
of the person she loved most were were slowly starting to fade away
She was trying to keep it a secret to Noah, but she just could not tolerate the thought of losing the memories of her one true love.I will never forget him, she thought to herself... I loved, love, and will love her only man Noah. She promised to herself that she’ll never forget him for as long as she can and she wrote down his name on her palm in very small print, 'love Noah......'

Noah came 
into the room.
He had just met Ally's doctor. His eyes were red with tears rolling down his eyes but he tried his best to make a smile in front of Ally.
During the consultation with her doctor, Ally couldn’t bear the thought of losing her love but all the negative thoughts vanished into thin air when she saw Noah's face.

Like they had promised, Noah was reading a book for Ally.
Even though he had read the whole book to her 12 times, he always pretended that to her that every reading was his first.
s he approached the end of the book slip, Noah thought to himself, 'After I read the next chapter, as always, Ally will end up in tears. '

Ready as always, Noah held a small white handkerchief in his hand for Ally.
When the book finished, Noah held the white handkerchief to wipe Ally’s  tears, and as always Noah was holding Ally's hand.

A quiet knock at the door broke the silence. It was a nurse asking for Noah to go see the doctor.
Noah couldn’t help but feel anxious as to what news the doctor had for him but he reassured Ally that everything was going to be alright before he left for the door.
He stopped in front of the doctor’s roomlet out deep breath and knocked quietly on the door.

"Excuse me."
"Come on in." The doctor replied.

Ally's doctor, Henry offered for Noah to sit down.

"Have a cup of tea and please listen carefully to what I have to say.”

A hundred thoughts started rushing through Noah’s mind at that instant. He tried to keep his hands holding the teacup still but he couldn’t stop the trembling. To his dismay, the grave news soon followed.

"I know this is going to be hard for you but as a doctor I thought it was best to let you know the news as soon as I couldI know that this is going to be hard to accept, so I want you to take it in slowly."
"1 hour ago, I received the final test results of Ally's conditionFrom what I can see here, she mayonly have three more days left…"

Clang! The teacup shattered across the floor. Henry stopped talking and looked at Noah for a moment. Noah’s eyes were shaking with horror and disbelief.

"Three days?"
"There’s got to be some kind of mistake. How can she only have three days?"

Noah's eyes were becoming redder, and eventually he could not hold the tears in any longer.

"Yes I'm really sorry"

Noah slowly got up from his seat and left the room without saying another word.

Noah walked blankly across the corridor and he reached Ally's room. He looked into a small window on the door. Ally was writing something with serious face.

He didn't know what to say to her, let alone how to say it or when.
He could only stare at the beautiful face of his lover while a feeling of emptiness swooped over him. He just could not find the right way.
Hdecided to wipe his tears and he entered the room, putting on his brightest face for Ally.

Ally couldn’t help but notice something was wrong. Many thoughts crossed her mind and she couldn’t shake off that dire feeling. It was quite a while before Ally finally fell asleep on her bed.
Noah fixed his eyes on Ally as she fell asleep. As he looked at her he couldn’t help but notice a small writing carefully written on her hand.
'Love Noah......'

Noah started shedding tears again. Afraid that he’ll wake Ally up, he got up quietly and left the room.
After crying for a long time, the shocking news the doctor had provided him jumped into his mind.
He thought of what he could do with the 72 hours he was allowed to spend with Ally. So many things he wanted to do… But the time given to him was too limited.

The first of the three days given to Noah and Ally.

It was early morning. Noah and Ally were outside enjoying the refreshing morning air and as always Noah had his book prepared in his hands.

"Ally, shall we read the book outside today? We can’t afford to miss this great weather."
"Outside? Sure Noah, I've been feeling a little stuffy staying in the ward all the time."

Ally’s footsteps were heavy but she didn’t lose her smile for Noah.
They strolled around the hospital until they managed to find a bench with a good view of the lake that surrounded the place.
Time flew by as they read the book together as usual and talked about each other. On this occasion, Ally felt as though something similar had happened before.

"Noah, it feels like I’ve experienced something like this before. The warm sun, the beautiful view in front of us and the small talk we’re making."

Noah smiled and looked at Ally but he did not say anything. With a happy yet worried look on his face, he slowly opened his mouth. 

"Ally, yesterday... I met Henry."
"He told me that you were well enough to return home now."

"Is it really true?" Ally replied with a worried face.

She was surprised by the news. She was expecting something completely different and she just couldn’t believe her ears.

She looked at Noah with a distrustful look but all she got back was his soothing smile.
Ally returned to her room later that afternoon. She was packing her bags with a bright face. She was excited already thinking that she was finally able to go home.

During that time, Noah went to visit Henry in his office.

"Henry, I’m going to take Ally home. You’re not going to stop me."
"I don't want to spend the rest of our time left in this hospital and if she knew, I’m sure she’d want the same thing."

Henry was shocked at Noah’s abrupt notice but before he got the chance to say anything Noah closed the door behind him and left.

The second of the three days given to Noah and Ally.

The next morning, Noah and Ally were busier than usual. They left the hospital in a joyous mood and headed towards their home in Noah’s car. Ally couldn’t stop smiling but Noah was driving home with a heavy heart.

"Ally, we’re getting close to home. It’s the red brick house over there”

Ally had no idea that this was actually her home as well. Ally and Noah shared lives together in this place although now she couldn’t remember anything about it.

After they arrived, Noah began showing her the house.

"I'm sorry Ally, I was at the hospital most of the time so I didn’t really have time to clean up the house."
"Oops! I forgot to change the water in your favorite vase."

Noah showed her around the house and Ally felt thankful to Noah for his generosity, not being able to realize that she had also lived here for a very long time.

After the little tour was complete, Noah noticed that Ally was beginning to look tired.

"Ally, why don’t you go lie down for a bit while I clean the house and have dinner ready."

"I’m not a great cook but I’m sure you’ll like my cooking." He smiled warmly at her.

Noah became busy. He started cleaning up the mess and at the same time started to cook.
Fortunately, he had made arrangements last night and had all the ingredients ready. He was going to make Ally’s favorite, his homemade carrot cake.

Dim romantic lighting, a clean white table and a bottle of wine that they enjoyed together.
Noah had put in a lot of effort into preparing everything.

"Wow Noah, it's… It's perfect!"
"I would have never imagined anything like this. Thank you so much."

Ally was moved by Noah’s efforts.

The two sat on the table staring into each other’s eyes. It was one of the most perfect moments they had shared together.

"Ally, this is your favorite carrot cake."
"I know it doesn’t look very tempting but I’m sure you’ll like the taste."

The taste was very familiar. She didn’t know why but a tear started trickling down her cheek as she finished the last bite.

When their romantic dinner was finally over, the time had already reached midnight.
They both were very tired and Noah escorted Ally into the bedroom.

They laid there together. Noah’s arms wrapped around Ally, they hugged each other without saying anything.

After a long silence, Noah was the first to talk.
"Ally, I’m going to make a promise. You are the most important person to me and when the time comes for you to leave this world, I will follow you."
"I’ll never leave you on your own. I’ll always be with you."
"I love you."

Ally felt reassured listening to his words. She closed her eyes calmly and soon fell asleep. Noah took one last look at Ally’s beautiful face and he also fell into a deep sleep.

The third day finally came. The birds were busy singing and the sun was slowly rising but Noah and Ally were already in their eternal slumber.

Noah had kept his promise. Maybe the gods answered Noah’s prayers. Or maybe, it was the power of the unbreakable bond between Ally and Noah.

-The end-

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just read your fanfic and I could say it was interesting. Though the story was a bit plain because there is no stressing point. Hope to see you improve better!
