Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Christine's five fanfic reviews

Christine's Five Fanfiction Links

The Notebook is one of the most romantic love movies I've ever seen, even though it's predictable as with many other romance stories. The Notebook is set in the 1940s where the class and wealth status of a family is considered to be very important. Allie who is lucky enough to come from a wealthy family and Noah who is not so lucky – fall in love with each other at first glance. Of course, Allie’s parents don't approve of her being with Noah and she is forced to move to the city where she had no way of reaching out to Noah. They each carry on with their lives after that and after 6 years, destiny once again reunites them.
As the movie progresses and Allie becomes older, she is shown to suffer from dementia which has taken away her memories, leaving her to not being able to recognize her own husband. But Noah’s efforts to bring back her memory, even for just one short moment continue every day. It pains his heart to see her loved one like this but he does not give up hope and reads to her from the ‘notebook’ which is full of the stories of the moments they shared together.The writer has done a great job making it a real happy ending in this. In the end, they know that their feelings for each other have not changed and share another happy moment of their life together.

This fanfic is based on the movie ”Kungfu panda.” The story revolves around a cheeky and motivated panda named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu. Although he works everyday in his family's noodle shop, that doesn’t stop Po from yearning to become like the Kung Fu idols of the town. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become a reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five - Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey - under the guidance of their guru, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality? Po puts his heart - and his girth - into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths.

The story is of a young chorus girl, Christine - a young talented singer who is destined for greatness. While rehearsing at the Opera Populaire, where weird and unexplainable things happen, she captures the attention and the heart of The Phantom, or as the Opera Populaire call him - The Opera Ghost. But he is no ghost - he is a disfigured musical genius who has hidden away into the darkness for years to avoid the cruel stares of strangers. With the Phantom’s help, Christine becomes the venue's leading lady. But tragedy awaits as the young soprano falls for the charms of handsome noble Viscount Raoul De Chagny, not realizing her Angel of Music is deeply in love with her. Driven insane with jealousy and his obsession for Christine, the Phantom kidnaps Christine from Raoul - unaware of the lengths Raoul is prepared to go to get her back.

Gossip Girl is yet another teen drama that follows the lives of young people moving through high school and college as they try and find their way in the world. In this series, like so many others, there is the idea of 'forbidden love', two characters who have a divine connection but can never find the right time to make their relationship work, until one of them finds someone else. In Gossip Girl this couple is Blaire and Chuck, who in this piece of fanfiction finally find the right timing even though Blaire is with someone else. The entry point the writer used for Blaire and Chucks reunion I think was very well thought out and the overall story is very well constructed and easy for the reader to follow. However in my own opinion, the portrayal of the two characters is a bit off center as some of the things they say aren't necessarily what I think the actual characters - having the personalities that they do - would say to each other but I guess that is all a part of the beauty of fanfiction.

How I Met Your Mother is a comedy based on Ted (Josh Radnor) and how he fell in love. It all starts when Ted's best friend Marshall (Jason Segel), drops the bombshell


1 comment:

  1. HI CHRISTINE :) I enjoyed reading "The Notebook" summary and critique, it was well written. It was well composed to an extent where it kind of made me as the reader actually want to watch the film, JOB WELL DONE. As I continued reading the summaries and critiques below, it kind of bored me. I couldn't figure out whether you were critiquing and summarizing at the same time, maybe it is because i have seen these films and i found no interest, if so i do apologize, other then that your writing skills is superb and wish you the best for the Draft and Final.

    Kia Manuia
