Wednesday, August 15, 2012

FanFic - FINAL

Blamed for being blank.

“Who did it?” Annie's voice roared down the hall.
“Ruthie,” said Simon, “She had her basketball inside again”
“RUTHIE CAMDEN, you get down here young lady”
Confused and half awake “Yes mum?”
“How could you honey? I specifically told you all, no ball games in the house”
“Huh? But mum, I just...”
“You just got yourself grounded for a week now go to your room”
“Where I was all morning,” replied Ruthie.
“Did I say a week, make that two,” Annie angrily growled.

Ruthie marched back upstairs to her bedroom still confused as to how she ended up getting grounded for being woken up by her mum, but as she walked passed she noticed a stone and Simon with his slingshot and straight away knew that she got blamed for something she never did.

“You're grounded for a week, make that two, for playing inside, I didn't even do anything Argh!” mimicked Ruthie loud enough for Eric to hear.

“What’s wrong honey?”
“You sure you don't want to talk about it?”
“Dad (sighs) just GO AWAY!!”

“Good Morning Annie. Ruthie? What happened?” asked Eric,
“Oh just the usual Ruthie, playing with her basketball inside, and broke my grandmothers vase. Argh! this girl sometimes worries me Eric.”
Eric then embraces Annie “Honey, remember, that vase is just a material thing. Our daughter however was made from love.”

Annie then released a long sigh and just hugged Eric.

After talking over the event that occurred in the morning, Eric stood up and took their cups to the sink and noticed something outside, “Um Annie, you might want to see this” Annie stood up and walked towards Eric, “You said Ruthie had her basketball inside, her ball is outside next to the hoop”

Right then, Annie was confused and tried to fit in the pieces to her confused puzzle, like the pieces to the shattered vase. “If Ruthie didn't have her ball inside then it means … SIMON.”

Annie more furious than when she grounded Ruthie, searched the whole house for Simon but it was too late, he had already left for his holiday programmes.

While Annie was working on dinner, Ruthie had sneaked into Simons room and retrieved a few of his things to play a prank on him and messed it up to make it look as if someone has broken into his room.


“Who was that?” yelled Eric,
“Simon Dad,” replied Ruthie.
“Ruthie. Simon isn’t home. Come downstairs now.”
“MAN! I always get in trouble. It’s not fair, and they always go easy on Simon, ARGH! My parent’s SUCK.”

Right there and then Eric and Annie understood that Ruthie was playing revenge on Simon.
As soon as Ruthie was down, she started to pull a sook and hugged Eric. Annie joined in as well but Ruthie pushed her away. Annie begun to realise that what she had done has really affected her daughter and thought carefully whether this vase or her daughter was more important.
“Ruthie I am so sorry. It's just that I've been under so much stress and that vase incident just cracked the ice berg in half. I am so sorry, but throwing mud back onto your brother isn't going to help the situation. If anything it’s just going to make it worst. When he returns I will talk to him okay honey?” they all embraced again and were happy.

Simon and his friends returned to the Camden home, and as he walked in Ruthie walked upstairs from having a snack and just gave him grinned look.

“SIMON CAMDEN, IN HERE, NOW” Annie screamed

 Simon knew something was up and sent his friends home instead.

As Simon walks into the kitchen He throws his bag on the floor

“Woooh I had a hard day on the courts, and man am I hungry. What’s to eat mum?”
“Simon, you want to eat? Here” She places a platter in front of him.
As Simon removes the lid the broken vase was on the platter, “umm what’s going on?”
“Simon I can't believe you. You break this vase, and then blame it on your sister. How could you lie to me. And then blame someone else for your wrong?”
“I'm sor...”
“Save it young man. You will glue this vase back in shape piece by piece back and until then you are grounded and you will not join anymore holiday programmes.”

“Man this sucks,” said Simon as he walks out of the kitchen an kicks his bag.
“OH by the way, someone broke into your room. So while you are fixing up my vase, fix up your room too.”

With a big smile on Annie’s face she returned to her cooking and accepted her husband’s embrace and laughed silently as she heard him whisper “He is just like you, blaming the innocent ones.”


  1. Hi Albert.
    This was an awesome read. It really felt like another episode of 7th Heaven. Structure and the flow of your writing is good which made the story enjoyable to read. Maybe just one more look into some punctuation and grammar which were only minor but other than that.

    Great work. Well done!

    1. Hi Rosina

      Thanks for your feedback, I will put that into progress.

  2. I could almost hear the voices of the characters and picture their faces while I was reading this :)

    Great work!

    1. Ngaw Thanks Christine. It was a movie that i watched everyday during my childhood and felt that with passion, it would be of best interest to compose a piece around a film that played a major part in my childhood. Thanks again!
