Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fan Fic - Rosina

Hey guys, sorry for the very late post but this is my Fanfic Draft. It is based around the movie - Truman Show. Enjoy and any feedback is welcomed. :)

“Why don't I make you some of this new Mococoa Drink? All natural. Cocoa beans from the upper slopes of Mount Nicaragua. No artificial sweeteners!”
Truman looks at Meryl, “What the hell are you talking about?”

Truman rises from the table and backs Meryl around the room.

“What the hell has that got to do with anything? Tell me what's happening?”

Meryl freaks out and for a second she forgets her lines. Luckily, she regains her memory.

“Lets have a baby!”

“What? Where is this coming from?”
Meryl thinks back to when she first started the show. She remembers the contract that she signed with Christoff. She remembers that her family are struggling to get by each day. She remembers why she moved to Hollywood in the first place. She remembers the reasons why she signed the contract.

What if Truman agrees to have a baby with me? What am I gonna do then?
What about MY family? What about MY future?

Truman is dumbfounded by this unexpected question from Meryl, he was too busy thinking about the reason why Meryl was acting suspiciously before that he didn’t see this coming.

Can things get weirder than this now that Meryl is asking for a baby?

“C’mon Truman, what’s stopping you?”

She makes her way over to him. She had been rehearsing and preparing for this scene for a very long time. And now its finally here.

“My darling Tru, I know you love me and you know I love you too. I think it is time for us to really start a family now.”
“But Meryl I want to travel. See the world. See news things, see new people, new roads, new neighbours. Heck Meryl I wanna drive over a full bridge. I don’t want to be stuck here in Seahaven forever.“
“Let’s leave this place, we’ll find a crew ship or we’ll just show up at the airport and go where ever we want to go.”
“No Truman! We already agreed that this will be the place for us, that our children are going to grow up here.”

Truman can see in Meryls’ eyes that this is what she really wants. Being the good actress that Meryl is, she was able to convince Truman to rid of his wild fascinations and he decides to settle for Seahaven.
That night, as the world watches on, they made love to one another. That night as the world watches on,  Meryl was stripped of her freedom stripped of her right to her own future.

Business was back to normal the next day and this continued on for a while. For about one month, things were quiet for Seahaven and for the world. Until one day Truman comes across Laurens’ picture in his basement. He thinks back about what she had said the last time he saw her.

“I am not allowed to talk to you.”

Why would she say that?

When darkness came, Truman escapes to the beach to clear his head. Memories of Lauren came flooding back and his plans of wanting to go for an adventure start again. He decides to leave Seahaven; he decides to overcome his fears of the water. He decides to leave for good.
Meanwhile back home, Meryl starts to feel unwell and is taken to the hospital by Marlon. Christoff is unaware of this as all his attention is now focussed on Truman who is half way across the studio.
The boat hits the wall, Truman is gobsmacked. He slowly makes his way to the front of the mast where it had pierced the perfect blue skied wall that faced him. Baffled by what he is seeing, Truman is shocked as mixed emotions rush through his head.

Is this why Meryl was acting weird earlier on? Is this why Lauren said she couldn’t talk to me?

Truman walks up the stairs. Just before he opens the door, Christoff speaks from his Sun room. His voice echoes across the studio. 

“ son... Please don’t go!”

“Who are you?”

“I am your father”, exclaimed the voice.

“My father? My father was lost at sea... oh wait I have no father at all... So who are you?”

“I am the creator of this show, this studio and this world is what I created, all for you.”

“Truman there are a million people out there in the world who have looked up to you and have invited you into their homes every single day of your life. Do you really want to disappoint them?”

“Me? Disappoint them? How dare you talk to me about disappointing others?”

With that last take, Truman turns his back to the hidden cameras and exits the show.

Meanwhile back in Seahaven Meryl undergoes medical tests and discovered that she was now one month pregnant. With Truman now gone, she is unsure of what to do with this baby. Tears start to stream down her face. She felt the disappointment of her family; the disappointment in herself.

Why did I sign up for this?

Meryl is devastated. The last thing she wanted was a baby. She left her home and her family to pursue a career in acting and look at where her acting has led her.

Christoff enters the room, he has heard of the news and he can sense a court case coming his way. There it was, right in front of him was the consequene of his actions. While he contemplates the events which have just occurred; the star of his show gone and an unwanted pregnancy in his hands, he reveals another masterplan for the world.

Christoff draws another contract in his mind. The unborn baby will be Trumans successor, and will be the star of the next ultimate reality show. This time, nothing will go wrong, he will make sure of that. And with that in mind, Meryl agrees for what Christoff has planned and reaches over for her bag. She pulls out a Mococoa Drink, places it next to her stomach and says “Mococoa Drink. The best drink for moments like these.”


  1. WOW! This is great, i enjoyed the whole thing. Its kind of like a mystery, having you examine carefully what part the characters actually play. The grammar is superb and the flow of the whole text was easy to read and really understandable. One thing i do complement you on is how used a bit of slang "c'mon" in your text which is well used in this content in the film! .. Hope your Final is as great as your draft.

  2. This is a very well crafted fanfic. You do write really well, and the story was really interesting. The only thing I could advice you is you could add a little more of speaking language to it, it could make the story more realistic! Cheers!
